Hi. Nice to meet you. My name is Pablo and this is my site

I’ve been a geek my whole life. And it is a long life so far.

And I want to share it with you.

Sharing what I know and love has been my passion since ever. And by sharing I hope to learn even more. I’ve always loved to code for the web, read books and comics, science, technology or building with LEGO bricks.

I make websites for fun

Part of being a constant learner, is to constantly practice what I know. That’s why I create websites (like this one) to share what I know and love. And part of what I love is Star Wars. So I created Star Wars Timelines as a mean to help people get an idea on the different timelines going on with the trilogies, games, comics and books. I also created Star Wars Tourism as a showcase of the beautiful locations where these movies were filmed.

I’m online

You can read my ramblings on Twitter. Follow me on Facebook. Check my Lego photos on Instagram. You can write me an email. I leave some code on Github. You can contact me on LinkedIn.